Friday, June 7, 2013


thelovenotebook: EVERYTHING <3



The reason why I never sleep.

The reason why I never sleep.

brutalgeneration: Tumblr on We Heart It -...


Tumblr on We Heart It -

sennenhallows: Sometimes I'm like "sleep is for the weak" Sometimes I'm like "sleep is for the...


Sometimes I'm like "sleep is for the weak"

Sometimes I'm like "sleep is for the week"

There is no in between.

psych-facts: More Here 


More Here 



Me: Can you help me do my math homework?

Me: Can you help me do my math homework?
Person: Sure, how?
Me: Here, take this gun and


school: please get a full night of sleep

school: please get a full night of sleep
school: but don't forget to do 876543 hours of homework
school: and study for tests
school: be a well rounded student by joining clubs
school: and participating in sports so you don't come home till 6pm
school: don't be late for school
school: but make sure you eat a full meal in the morning
school: kids need a balanced diet
school: here eat cardboard with red paint, it's called "pizza"
school: if you don't type and double space your paper i'm not counting it
school: but don't use the internet while doing homework



"It's not the length of time we knew someone that makes them so special. It's what they brought into..."

"It's not the length of time we knew someone that makes them so special. It's what they brought into our lives."

- Sandra Kring, A Life of Bright Ideas  (via thefinest-blog)

"There are some people who always seem angry and continuously look for conflict. Walk away from these..."

"There are some people who always seem angry and continuously look for conflict. Walk away from these people. The battle there are fighting isn't with you, it's with themselves."

- Unknown (via drugsanonymous)

Someone submitted this to me, and I really liked it, so now...

Someone submitted this to me, and I really liked it, so now I'm posting it. 


karranicole: OK.





1 comment:

  1. [Download] $12,234 in 2 months GAMBLING Program?

    Let me get it straight.

    I don't care about sports. Never cared less.

    I tried EVERYTHING from FOREX & stocks to internet systems and affiliate programs.. I even made some money but then blew it all when the stock market went south.

    I think I finally found it. Download TODAY!!!
